August 5th
Should you use plastics? Yes, why not. Its preferable over just burning the oil which will just disappear afterwards. Plastic can last for centuries and is only a problem if you stop using it and throw it away. It is currently polluting the sea at such a gigantic scale that it is no longer healthy to eat fish because of the plastic particles it contains. Although more and more healthy and naturally degradable substances are becoming available as an alternative to plastic, it is still ubiquitous in our society. There are two major challenges that we must solve. The first is that we need to develop better methods to reuse the plastic. The second is that we would limit ourselves to the number of types of plastic that are produced. The latter has caused a problem, making it virtually impossible to separate domestic plastics into the correct types and that there is actually nothing we can do with plastic waste other than incineration. In addition, the development of techniques to make something useful from waste is still far too slow.
Of course we should start by not dumping plastic in nature anymore. We can come up with alternatives ourselves, which means that we need less plastic, but also put ideas into practice what you can still do with plastic.