Dif is a collective of many journalists, photographers, illustrators and artist that worked together the first decade of this century on a rtange of publications. The Dif Media Foundation is founded in 2017 on a new project.

Fons Burger(editor in chief) Former editor of Nieuwe Revu, Goodies magazine, Dif and others. Author of a series of fiction and non-fiction books about change and sustainability. Developer of events, festivals and concerts.
Pieter Schol(art director). Art director for a.o. Esquire, Rails, Goodies, Dif, City Media, Blvd, L’Officiel, Vrij Nederland en Nouvelle creative.
Jacqui Burger(publisher) was the managing director of several communication firms. Publisher of Goodies Media & Awarness, DifBooks and Brighter World (fairtrade company gifts). Founding member of the Sogoodtowear Coop (fairtrade fashion).
Supervisory board
Professor Jan Rotmansis one of the founders of Integrated Assessment (IA), and has outstanding experience in IA modeling, scenario-building, uncertainty management and transition management. During the past twenty years he has led a diversity of innovative projects in the field of climate change, global change, sustainable development and transitions and system innovations.
Caroline van Van Dullemenworked as journalist for NRC, was secretary of the Dutch National Advise Board for Development and managing director of the Scientific Bureau of the politcal party Groen Links. In 2004 she founded the organistion World Grannys that is active for elderly people in development countries.
Paul M. de HaanFormer Partner at PWC. Founder EUDTG PwC Europe (coordinating European Tax initiatives ) en European Business Initiative on Tax (EBIT). Now working at stichting IBFD with trainings for tax programs in developing countries.
Inspirational board
Dif Media Foundation is in the process of forming a board of inspiration. The advisors to this board will provide their knowledge and influence to the project, the magazine and the congres festival in 2020. The first member of this board:
Jan Pronk(former Dutch minister)
Maurits Groen(consultant sustainability)
Catherine Kalamidas (Rotterdam Partners)
Christine de Baan(State of Fashion foundation)
Peter Jens(Pura Natura Foundation)
Christiaan Vos (Arcadia Foundation, University of Amsterdam)
Harry Hamelink (Motel Mozaique)
Ronald Molendijk (Symphony31)
Hajo Doorn (v/h directeur Stichting worm, Theater Rotterdam)
Moraan Gilad (Social Innovator)
Ronald Ligtenberg (Expert Imagineering en sociaal ondernemerschap)
Asha Lalai (social entrepreneur en storyteller)
Janpier Brands(directeur Worm)
Petra Hoogerwerf (expert, consultant en auteur over impact en ondernemen)