

The world is getting divided between optimists and pessimists. To the first group we want to offer cohesion, cooperation and a joined vision, a place where ideas and people are interlinked.

1. dif is in favor of radical change

We need rapid and radical action to combat climate change, growing inequality and other global issues.

2. dif is a spotlight

Around the world, optimists are creating extraordinary solutions to complex world problems. The brilliance of these scientists, entrepreneurs, artists and activists often remains underexposed. Dif is a quest: a curator and a collector of out-of-the-box solutions.

3. dif reflects

We can only achieve change by making the difference. For this reason, we are publishing about a new, healthy and fair society. All contributions in text, photography and illustrations are welcome.

4. dif works on 2121

In 2015, 195 world leaders signed the Sustainable Development Goals 2030: 5000 words that outline our world in 2030. To provide our great grand children a decent life we like to look at a period of 100 years and we are focused on long term solutions.

5. dif imagines

What will this brilliant world of 2121 look like? Dif connects artists, illustrators, photographers and others who depict bright new worlds. Their visions will be made visible in our coming publications and on this site.

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